Helpful Children’s Handout for Sermon Notes

Helpful Children’s Handout for Sermon Notes

My wife created this children’s handout for my Church. It was long overdo. When the pandemic hit, my Church had to shut down for a while. Once we re-opened again, certain ministries were limited.

Since we did not have anyone to teach Children’s Church, all the kids at my Church sat in the main service.

Now, I entirely am of the conviction that families should keep their kids in the main service with them. But I recognize not everyone has that same conviction. For some families, not having children’s church was difficult.

So, my wife who has a visual design background went to work. The result: a handout kids can take into the sermon to help them stay focused.

The goal is to get every single person in the family engaged in corporate worship. Now, even with children’s church happening again, some families still opt to keep their kids in the main service. We have to replenish these children’s handouts frequently.

I recommend printing them on a larger sheet of paper (17 x 11 in).

That way the kids have plenty of space to color and write. Even if you don’t use this actual handout, I hope it inspires someone in your body to design one for yourself.

There is nothing more rewarding than using your professional skills to bless the body.

My wife’s background made her ideal for projects like this. She could bless the body and do it well since she went to school for visual design.

It convicted me of what skills has the Lord developed in me professionally that I need to leverage for the cause of Christ.

Whether it is a handout, fixing something in the physical building, or teaching, keep looking for ways to bless your body with your skills.

I hope this Children’s handout blesses your body as it did mine.

If you want a sermon meditation tool designed for adults, see here.

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