4 Christ-centered Books to Read This Easter

4 Christ-centered Books to Read This Easter

Reading is one of my favorite things to do. My shelves are full of books I have read, books I am reading, and books I want to read in the future. As Easter approaches, I thought I would give four Christ centered books I recommend reading.

In this post, I will go through each of the books and give a brief summary of what I personally found helpful. Each of these Christ centered books have helped me understand Jesus and His work at a deeper level. I hope they will help you in the same way.

The Seven Sayings of the Saviour on the Cross by A. W. Pink

I picked up this book for a dollar or so at a book sale. After reading it, I would have paid a whole lot more for this gem of a book. The book focuses exclusively on seven last phrases Jesus said on the cross as recorded in the four gospels. Because of the way it is structured, it is an incredibly easy book to read and think through.

The demands of justice must be met; the requirements of God’s holiness must be satisfied; the awful debt we incurred must be paid. And on the Cross this was done; done by none less than the Son of God; done perfectly; done once for all. “It is finished.”

A W Pink

I absolutely loved this Christ centered book. By expounding each of these seven sayings, Pink shows you as a reader what Jesus accomplished through His death. Each saying is a jumping off point for a larger discussion of Christ’s character, His work, and His heart towards those around Him. I recommend this book frequently and if you want a book to focus your mind on Christ, it is an amazing Easter read.

His Blood Works: The Meaning of the Word “Blood” in Scripture by Alan M. Stibbs

This is a lesser known book, but it is rich in teaching. Essentially, the book is a Biblical Theology of “blood” through the entirety of the Bible. In tracing “blood” through Scripture, Stibbs helps you understand the significance and importance of Jesus having to shed His blood for our sins.

Blood is a vivid word symbol for referring to someone’s violent death and for connecting other people with the consequences (positive or negative) resulting from it.

Alan Stibbs

The book is very short and consumable. You could read through it in a day, or stretch it out a couple days if you want. Stibbs shows you just how important Christ shedding His blood is to Christianity. It isn’t “cosmic child abuse” or disgusting to talk about and sing about Jesus shedding His blood for believers. It is the heart of the Gospel.

Rejoicing in Christ by Micheal Reeves

This small book is a well-written and insightful introduction to Christology. It is one of the most Christ-centered books I have read in the past few years. I enjoyed it so much I read the whole book in one night! The thesis statement of the book is simply Christianity is Christ. Christ isn’t a part of Christianity. He is the whole thing.

…the center, the cornerstone, the jewel in the crown of Christianity is not an idea, a system or a thing; it is not even “the gospel” as such. It is Jesus Christ.

Micheal Reeves

The book goes through why Jesus had to be fully God, fully man, Jesus death and resurrection, what Jesus doing now, and Jesus’ second coming. All in 133 pages. If anyone is a new believer, or a believer who just wants to get back to the heart of the Christian faith, I recommend reading this book. It is one of those books you can read multiple times and still be encouraged for each reading. It is also accessible enough that I would recommend giving it out for free at your Church if possible.

Christ’s Glorious Achievements by Charles Spurgeon

Spurgeon’s whole ministry was Christ centered. Every sermon pointed to Jesus and the gospel. This little volume contains seven “sermons” on different things Christ accomplished. It is another short book, only 113 pages but rich in theology. Sometimes, I find Spurgeon a little flowery in his preaching, but this volume represents his preaching at its best. I found the chapters on Christ the destroyer of death and the maker of all things new particularly edifying.

When Christ died He suffered the penalty of death on behalf of all His people, and therefore no believer now dies by way of punishment for sin, since we cannot dream that a righteous God would twice exact the penalty for one offense.

Charles Spurgeon

I recommend reading one sermon per day as a devotional leading up to Easter. It will help you focus your mind on what Christ actually did. This book turns your heart towards worship with every sermon and will deepen your wonder at all Jesus did for His Church.

Those are my book recommendations for Easter reading. I hope you choose one to read through.

Do you have any Christ centered books you read around Easter? Send me any recommendations.

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