Tag: local church

10 Conversation Starters for Church Interactions

10 Conversation Starters for Church Interactions

I think everyone finds Church interactions difficult from time to time. Sometimes, the problem is with you: perhaps you came to Church with a wrong set of expectations. Perhaps you weren’t excited to come to Church or the week wore you down. But I think sometimes the biggest difficulty people have in Church interactions is simply not knowing how to start a meaningful, spiritually focused conversation.

Whether after a Sunday service, during a small group, or even just meeting one-on-one with another Christian, there is always a need for helpful conversation starters. Conversations starters that create an environment of trust and care which then leads to mutually encouraging spiritual conversation.

Today, I want to give you 10 conversation starters you can use in Church interactions. They are in no particular order, and the list is very much non-exhaustive. But they might start you thinking about how to best initiate a conversation with another believer.

1. What is going well in your life this past week?

You could replace “going well” with any number of related phrases. The goal with this question is to start talking about what actually has been going on in another person’s life. It is very non-threatening: the person you are talking with can think of the good events of their past week and select the one’s they want to discuss. From there, it is easy to continue the conversation and move it into a more explicitly spiritual direction.

2. What things have been tough this past week?

This question is a little more direct and invasive. I wouldn’t necessarily lead with this one unless you know the person pretty well. But maybe after you talk about the good things that went on in someone’s week, they will be more inclined to share what was difficult in their week. Use wisdom with this question. Church interactions need to be based in love and care for the other, so don’t push this question if the other person is not ready to open up in this way.

3. What has God taught you from His word this week?

For conversations amongst believers, I can’t think of any better question. Don’t just focus on life circumstances and talk about your own life. Part of the encouragement of talking with fellow Christians is talking about the Lord. What He has done. What He is teaching you from the word. I personally am incredibly encouraged when I hear what God is teaching other believers in the word. Use this question often.

4. How has God been growing you spiritually this past week?

This question is about how the Lord is orchestrating someone’s life to conform them to Christ. Maybe the person you are talking with has had some victory over a besetting sin. Maybe he or she had an opportunity to evangelize. This question isn’t about just hearing about the other person’s week. It goes a step further and asks how God has worked in another person’s week. I would encourage you to ask this question with increasing frequency, especially if you want better conversations with believers at Church.

Spiritually-focused questions tend to spark spiritually-focused conversations.

5. How was work for you last week?

This question won’t necessarily lead to some deep spiritual discussion right away. But it is an easy way to get a conversation going. Most people can remember one or two major points from their work week. And the reality is, how someone works and lives out their faith at work is an important form of spiritual discussion. How someone practically exercises their faith in Jesus day to day at work is often a good indication of where someone is spiritually.

6. How have things been with your family this week?

Work is one context where people live out their faith. Family is an equally important context to talk about. This question is pretty basic, but you will never learn how someone’s marriage is going or the struggles someone might have raising their kids without asking. The goal of Church interactions is not simply to “know all the details” of someone’s life. It is showing care and love by making yourself available. And family life is one of the most important contexts where another believer might need prayer, wise advice, or encouragement.

The goal of asking another person questions is not to force an answer. It is to demonstrate a care, love, and interest in that person.

7. How can I pray for you specifically this coming week?

This is a good “closing question” but, depending on the context, you might ask it earlier in the conversation. I once read a quote that essentially said “specific questions get specific answers.” So limit your question if you want specific prayer requests. Ask about the coming week so the other brother or sister has to think about what they actually need prayer for in the coming days. And then follow up when you do pray for them. I think a lot of “connection” and “getting to know” fellow Church members comes from praying for one another. By asking, you are already setting the stage for a follow up conversation where you ask “I was praying for ______ like you asked me. How did the Lord respond to the request this past week?”

8. What stood out from the sermon for you?

Church interactions that occurs after a Sunday sermon should often start with this question. Don’t be a Christian who hears a sermon, nods their head, and then moves on to lunch plans. The best way to guard against this is to talk about the sermon with other believers as soon as possible. Another good way might be to use this free sermon meditation workbook and work through it with another Christian. Talking about the sermon will focus your conversation on Christ and His word.

9. What has excited you this past week?

I am always interested in what excites other people. What are they passionate about? What is the topic which they could discuss for hours and not tire? This question gets at that. In Church interactions, you want to get to know the other person as a person. If a lot of friendships start because of shared interests, then you must figure out what interests other people in order to figure out if you have similar interests. Asking what excited a person in the past week will give a picture of their interests. Maybe it is a book they read. Perhaps their garden started blooming. Whatever it is, get to know the people you worship with each week and what “fires them up.”

10. What has caused you to praise God this past week?

Finally, what events or moments occurred in someone’s week that resulted in praise of the Lord? As Christians, we should rejoice when our brothers and sisters rejoice. God is worthy of all praise, so if He proved His faithfulness to a brother or sister, that is reason for you to thank Him for that faithfulness. Let other people’s life events be avenues for you to worship God. As you get to know Christians, notice and remember what God is doing in their lives. That same God, the living God, is active in your life.

I hope these 10 questions will help you in future Church interactions. Maybe keep a couple of your favorites in mind for your next small group. Regardless, seek to know and love those around you. In a lonely culture, simply initiating and continuing a conversations is often enough to make another person feel loved and cared for.

What should you do if you disagree with another Christian? Read this post to learn how to disagree with others in a profitable way. Subscribe and share below, and don’t forget to follow The Average Churchman on Instagram.

Learn Manhood from Christian Men

Learn Manhood from Christian Men

I have been thinking about Christian manhood a lot lately. Maybe it is because Father’s Day just passed. Maybe it is because my firstborn son’s due date is next month. But perhaps it is simply because I have found it incredibly difficult to get a straightforward definition of Christian manhood in American culture.

From society and many Christian circles, what I hear most is what manhood is not. Every definition is full of what men don’t do rather than giving a positive definition. More helpful Christian thinkers give positive statements, like men are called to lead, provide, and protect. Other Christians rightly emphasize key character traits men should develop, like self-control. Some call you to look to Jesus and His roles as prophet, priest, and king for insight.

The goal of this post is not to critique any of these models or even to define what Christian manhood is. The point I want to emphasize is not what Christian manhood is, but where Christians should learn what manhood is.

Both Proverbs and the New Testament Epistles are clear: men should learn what manhood is from other godly men around them.

Books on Christian manhood are useful, but limited

Books often cannot advise you in specific situations

I have read my fair share of articles and books on Christian manhood. Especially when I was dating my wife, I was incredibly curious about what it meant to “be a man” in the relationship. The answers I got were helpful and got me thinking. But I realized deep down I wanted a book that prescribed what Christian men do in every situation. But that is the limitation of good books: they can give you wisdom and cause you to think, but they are static teachers who cannot advise you in specific situations. A lot of my struggles with “what Christian manhood is” arises from living my normal life.

In daily life, I don’t often ask “what is Christian manhood?” Instead, I ask “how does a Christian man respond to this specific situation?”

As helpful as books are for understanding the Bible’s teaching on what Christian manhood is, to actually live as a Christian man requires something more than reading books. You need practical wisdom, practical advice, and specific answers to complicated life-situations. What you need is wisdom. And thankfully, the Bible tells you where you can get that wisdom.

God provides wisdom through Christian men

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13, ESV emphasis added

I have always found this verse interesting. Paul seems to imply a few things in saying “act like men”:

  • There is an objective thing called “manhood”
  • You can express your manhood by how your act
  • You can either act like a man in response to a situation, or you can respond by acting like something other than a man

The question is: where do you learn how to act like a man if books are insufficient? Where do you get the wisdom you need to respond to life-situations as a Christian man would? The answer I think is given both in Proverbs and the New Testament: other Christian men are the best source for Christian manhood. Now, I will caveat all this with a verse from Psalm 119.

How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word.

Psalm 119:9, ESV

Compare all the advice you get to God’s word. Even godly, Christian men who have lived many years might occasionally give you advice or thoughts which do not line up with Scripture. So take everything back to the text. That said, God seems to think other Christian men are often the source of wisdom and instruction for other men:

  • “My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments, for length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you.” Proverbs 3:1
  • “Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety” Proverbs 11:14
  • Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
  • “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17
  • One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts.” Psalm 145:4
  • “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.” 1 Corinthians 11:1
  • “And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” 2 Timothy 2:2
  • “Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith.” Hebrews 13:7
  • “Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders.” 1 Peter 5:5

From these verses, there are a couple things to see:

  1. Christian manhood is taught by Christian fathers to their sons
  2. Christian manhood is taught by Christian men from older generations
  3. Christian manhood is taught by a multitude of men, each sharpening each other
  4. Christian manhood is taught by observing and imitating godly men around you
  5. Christian manhood is taught within the Church by elders who both teach and model Christian manhood

From this, there seems to be two main ways you learn Christian manhood from other Christians: they directly teach and instruct you, and you watch their life and imitate them. Practically, how do you do this?

Ask godly men around you direct questions

If you want instruction from the godly men around you, you are going to have to start asking questions. I don’t mean high level “what is your theology of manhood” questions. Ask direct, specific questions on how Christian men should live and respond to life situations.

I guarantee there are several men in your life worth learning from. They are just too busy being Christian men that they don’t have time to write books about Christian manhood. You have to extract their hard-won wisdom by sitting down and talking. Asking. Showing an interest. The man with five kids, a job, and who runs the sound room at Church probably has more profound thoughts on Christian manhood than you think. But to get them, you need to approach him, set aside some time, and come with questions.

What are some questions you can ask? Here is a non-exhaustive list of topics off the top of my head.

Ask about Church

  • How do you balance family life with Church involvement?
  • What does “leadership in the Church” mean for you?
  • Do you serve the Church as an individual or involve your family in the ministries you are in?
  • What are your thoughts on giving generously to the Church while still providing for your family?
  • How do you choose what ministries and meetings during the week you attend?
  • How do you make sure you don’t take on too much responsibility at Church?

Ask about family

  • What does “leading your family” mean to you?
  • How do you disciple your wife and children?
  • How do you manage and steward your money well?
  • What are your thoughts on children and technology?
  • When do you make time for the Lord individually and as a family?
  • How do you encourage and lead your wife spiritually?
  • Describe how you schedule your family’s week.
  • What do you help out with around the house?

Ask about vocation

  • How do you interact with non-believers at work?
  • What are ways you can make sure you have proper motivations for working?
  • How do you keep your heart free from the love of money at work?
  • What things do you do to stay involved with family life when you are away working 8+ hours a day?
  • How do you enjoy your work without becoming a “workaholic”?

These questions are just a taste of potential conversation starters. The point here is to first think about the areas of your life where you don’t know how to “act like a man.” Then go and ask other godly men how they answer that question. Most Christian men are happy to talk about their own victories, struggles, and defeats with manhood. Start the conversation.

It is hard for one man to sharpen another if neither man initiates a conversation with the other.

Observe godly men around you and reflect on what they do (and why)

Asking questions is the way to get direct answers on Christian manhood. But equally important are indirect answers: watch the men around you and see what you can learn. Now, in order to do this well, you cannot simply watch godly men at Sunday service. You must watch godly men in their home, find godly men who work where you work (or in a similar field), and put yourself in a variety of contexts with other Christian men.

To learn how other men worship, work, and lead their family, you need to actually observe them in each of these contexts. Watching them on Sunday is great, but how will you see how they respond when their kids misbehaves? When will you observe how they talk with unsaved co-workers? You will need to put yourself in the path of other men if you want to observe their life.

It goes both ways: you need, as a man, open your life up to other men to observe. If you only ever pop up on a Sunday and never actually involve yourself with other men from your Church during the week, you probably aren’t going to learn much from other Christian men. And they won’t have the chance to observe your life and learn from you.

As you spend time with other Christian men and their families, you need to do a couple things:

  1. Open your eyes. Don’t just “sit there”: observe what is going on around you. You can’t learn from what you don’t notice.
  2. Reflect on what you see. Ask “why” to try to think through why a Christian man is responding in a certain way.
  3. Be gracious and slow to judge. Try to understand why Christian man is acting a certain way but don’t jump to conclusions or assume the worst.
  4. At some point, maybe ask that Christian man why he responded in a certain way. This will help you check your own observations and give you an idea of the other man’s thought process.

The goal with all this is to observe what “acting like a man” looks like in the field. Not just in your head. What does it actually look like. How do Christian men actually behave in situations.

People live their theology. So observe how Christian brothers lead, live, and work. Then you will learn what they believe about Christian manhood.

A final point: be discerning. The goal is to imitate Christian brothers as they imitate Christ. No man is a perfect imitator of Christ. But through observing other men, you will learn how to wisely respond to situations in a Christlike, Christ-honoring way.


The best and most memorable manhood advice I ever received did not come from a book. It wasn’t the result of some extensive study. It was a conversation I had with my dad a week before my wedding. I asked him what it meant to be a Christian man and husband. He gave me a sentence I will never forget:

Being a husband means getting done what needs to be done.

My Dad, Travis Nesmith

It isn’t doing the right thing for a reward or recognition. It is taking responsibility. Figuring out what needs to be done and then acting. Of all the advice I have read on Christian manhood, it is this sentence from my Dad which I keep returning to the most.

I think that is how God meant it to be. Christian manhood is learned in the trenches, not in some ivory tower. You learn it from those who are acting like men around you. Fathers. Friends. Elders. Church members. Older men. Younger men.

Our culture may be confused about manhood and what it means. But look around at the men God has brought in your life. Learn from them and imitate them as they imitate Christ.

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3 Expectations for Interacting with Others

3 Expectations for Interacting with Others

Interacting with other people can be difficult. This is true whether at work, at home, or at Church. In fact, sometimes Church interactions can seem the most difficult. Even for the most extroverted extroverts, holding a deep, honest conversation after a Sunday Sermon can prove hard or impossible. However, for a Christian, interacting with fellow Church members isn’t optional:

addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart

Ephesians 5:19 ESV, emphasis added

If part of our commitment as Church members is interacting with each other and holding meaningful conversations, there is always a need to improve. Improve in our motivation for talking with others and improving our expectations for those conversations. In this post, I want to propose 3 expectations that I have found helpful to hold in my head when interacting with others, particularly fellow Church members.

Expectation 1: Most everyone is at least a little lonely

Everyone craves connection to some extent

“Loneliness” is not just reserved for the husband who lost his wife, the couple who miscarried, or the single who can’t seem to find the right person to marry. Certainly clear, objective, intense loneliness exists everywhere, including the Church. However, I think beneath the calm and collected demeanor most people (including myself) want to project, there is a bit of loneliness in each of us.

This “loneliness” I might also call “the unmet desire for deep, meaningful friendship with others and to be truly known.” It is the man who loves his family and serves the Church, but just wants a good male friend to spend time with every so often. Or it could be the mother with five kids who is worried because she doesn’t feel connected to any of the other young families at Church. Perhaps it is an elder or deacon who feels they must always “have all the answers” and therefore can’t truly open up with any of their congregants.

This “loneliness” is subtle. Beneath the surface. I know of very few people who would share this type of loneliness as a prayer request or openly in a group. But it exists behind the “how was your week?” “It was good” type interactions that can often characterize post-sermon conversations. I could add to this that publication after publication in news and secular studies have argued the way humans are using technology is making us feel more isolated. It seems safe, therefore, to expect subtle loneliness to exist in the lives of those around you.

It matters if you make an effort or not

What is the takeaway? Expect when you look up after the last Sunday hymn has ended that the people around you need and want meaningful friendship and connection. Hold in you mind that, despite their best efforts, no one in the pew around you has attained perfection yet. This perspective does 3 things:

  • It makes you more willing to go up and talk with someone. If someone is lonely around you, your instinct as a Christian should be to help bear that burden. This applies to subtle loneliness as much as it does the more drastic type of loneliness. Don’t ask yourself “should I go talk to this person?” Ask instead “I wonder what this person is going through this past week? Let me go ask.”
  • It encourages you to keep the conversation going. Most people aren’t going to wear a “I am lonely” shirt. But if you expect they have a subtle, underlying loneliness, you are more likely to keep pursuing interactions and conversations with them, even when it is difficult.
  • You see your own need for interacting with others. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you are never lonely to some degree. Christians were made to live in dynamic fellowship with other Christians. You going to talk with a Church member after service will likely benefit you as much as it will the other person.

Like all of these expectations, they might not always be true in every specific conversation. Some people really might have a week where they are not lonely at all. But as a general principle, assume those around you need connection. The only way to help is to start trying to connect.

Expectation 2: Every human being is inherently complex

Good and bad, easy and difficult

No one’s week is a one-dimensional, simple, straightforward movement from one joy to the next. We all live in a fallen world with tensions between easy and hard, good and bad. Even if you have had a generally good week, there were almost certainly difficult experiences you went through. And the inverse also applies: if you had a miserable week, there was almost certainly some good that came out of it.

What is the point? No one’s week was simply “good”. When interacting with others at Church, assume whoever you are talking with is not a simple person living a simple life. There is depth and complexity to every single person who is made in the image of God. Even the person you think is the most “dull” or “uninteresting” at your Church has lived through a whole world of complex experiences this past week.

Get to know other people’s complexities

In both personality and experience, every person you interact with is complex and dynamic. A few implications follow:

  • Do not take the “my week was good” answer at face value. There is more that the other person is not sharing, guaranteed. To get past the “off the shelf” answers, you need to recognize when someone is oversimplifying their experience. If you get a “my week was good,” follow it up immediately with “what things did the Lord teach you this week?” or “was there anything that was difficult for you during this good week?”
  • It might take time, but truly knowing someone is always worth it. Every single interaction with a believer is a conversation with someone who is created in the image of God, redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ, and is currently in a relationship with the living God. If you let that thought really sink in, there is no reason to ever write another Christian off or categorize them as “boring”. It might take time, but getting to know a fellow Christian is always worth it.
  • Set an example of wise openness in your conversations. By “wise” I mean you don’t dump every single experience of your past week on the other person right off the bat. Just because you had a complex week does not mean every single detail must be shared immediately. But it does mean you set the example of sharing the good with the bad, the easy with the difficult.

Expect that beneath every “my week was good” is a human being who lived a whole week with complex emotions, reactions, and experiences. This helps you see the dignity of those around you and to not oversimplify other people to the point that you think “I understand them. They can’t have done anything interesting.”

Expectation 3: You will have to take the initiative

Start the conversation. Continue the conversation.

So you expect people around you to be at least a little lonely and to be complex, interesting human beings. What now? Understanding both of the previous expectations will get you nowhere without this last one. You, not the other person, will have to start the conversation and keep it going. Who doesn’t love it when someone comes up and starts talking with them? Most everyone appreciates someone who has good social skills, who asks good questions, and can hold a conversation.

Stop assuming that person has to be someone else. Take the responsibility to initiate and continue conversations with people around you. Create the environment where that other person can open up and knows you actually care about them as a person. If you come into Church expecting a line out the door of people who want to talk to you, you have the opposite perspective you need to have.

Come into Church on a Sunday thinking “how many people can I have meaningful, encouraging conversations with this morning?”

Pursue the people around you. A great way to serve other believers practically is to simply take the responsibility to talk with them. Does it get any more practical than this? Beneath every face in your service is someone who wants to be known. Bless such a person by actually trying to get to know them. Sure there might be some awkwardness in initiating a conversation with someone you hardly know. But remember expectation 2: each person is made in God’s image and is worth you trying to initiate a conversation with them.

Small talk to deep talk

I read part of a book last year called “The Fine Art of Small Talk” by Debra Fine. The title interested me because “small talk” often gets a bad rap, especially in Christian circles. “I just want to go deep” or “I don’t want to talk about the weather” are phrases that come to mind. And rightfully so: we were made for deeper connection than small talk can bring.

However, one of the impactful ideas in the book that I appreciate is sometimes you have to start with small talk to get to deep talk. I personally have only a handful of really close friends with which I can immediately go deep. You might have one yourself: the type of person 30 seconds after you call them on the phone you are sharing what the Lord is doing or sins you are fighting or Bible passages that have become precious to you.

That is the exception rather than the rule. If you expect every single conversation you have to immediately and without delay to go to your deepest spiritual reflections, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. A more realistic goal is to start with more “mundane” things and then gradually ask questions to guide the conversation to the deeper things. If you are patient and take the initiative to keep a conversation going, there is no reason why it shouldn’t eventually get to deeper discussion.

But it takes time. And patience. Practice too. I recommend you pick up a copy of “The Fine Art of Small Talk” or a similar book just to start thinking about how to better initiate conversations and engage others. As I said before, don’t expect other people to take that responsibility for you. Become the type of Christian who lovingly pursues connection with those around them. But also become a Christian who is patient in that pursuit and is not afraid to talk about the weather because they know even the weather can become an avenue to talk about the Lord and His goodness.

Interacting with others is tough…but worth it

Interacting with others is a topic which cannot be exhausted in one post. But I think the three expectations that most everyone is lonely, everyone is complex, and you have to take the initiative to get to know them can help you become more effective in your conversations. Interacting with those around you is a command of Scripture, yes, but also a precious privilege for a Christian. You never know: interacting with a person around you might start a friendship, provide an encouragement, or bless your own soul.

It isn’t easy. But it is always worth it. Pray that the Lord would increase your own love so that you truly can “love your neighbor as yourself.” Then show that love in your conversations with others.

Check out my other reflections here. Follow The Average Churchman on Instagram to see books and resources I recommend. Subscribe below so you don’t miss any future posts.

Savor Each Sunday Service

Savor Each Sunday Service

Attending Sunday service can become very mundane very quickly. Oftentimes, it seems like something to check off your list before getting back to your normal life. Sure, some worship services move you or cause you to examine your life in light of Scripture. But more often then not, there is a profound sense of “normal” when you attend your Church’s Sunday service.

Now, you could find text after text in the New Testament which shows you why that should not be the case. The gathering of the redeemed people of God is objectively presented in Scripture as beautiful, miraculous, and necessary. So how can you change your mindset as your approach weekly corporate worship? For me personally, one of the most helpful things to remember is every time your local Church gathers, it is an unrepeatable, unique day God sovereignly ordained for the praise of His glory and for your good.

Each Sunday service has a different spiritual and emotional emphasis

If you just look at the surface level, each Sunday service is similar. You gather. Sing songs. Listen to the word preach. But within every Church’s liturgy, I guarantee there is variety. The songs you might sing this week are centered around a certain topic, like Christ’s kingship. Perhaps there is a new song the worship leader will introduce to the congregation. The sermon text is different than last weeks or you reach a transition point in your Pastor’s sermon series.

Different songs and sermon texts change the spiritual and emotional emphasis in your worship. Maybe one week is a joy-filled service which focuses on the victory Christ has won on your behalf. But perhaps the very next week will emphasize the deceitfulness of sin and the need for you to examine your own heart. My point here is there is variety in each aspect of your Church’s typical order of service. And this variety allows your worship to change each Sunday service.

When you look at your Church bulletin, think about what unique songs and sermon God has prepared for you to sing and hear. See the differences between this week and previous weeks.

Personally, I find it helpful to read through my Church bulletin before it starts and see what songs I will be singing. Doing so helps me to quickly see what kind of service the Lord has prepared for me. My Church preaches verse by verse through books of the Bible, so I can generally expect what the sermon will be each week. However, reading the text before service gets me in the mindset of the text and helps me think about what unique features it has.

Your life circumstances change week-to-week

The songs and sermon don’t just change each week. You change too. Every single week you have gone through unique days with events and circumstances which have not occurred before. Maybe it was an encouraging, easy week full of spiritual victories, peace within your home, and success at work. The attitude you bring to Sunday service after such a week will be vastly different than if you had a week where the car broke down, you missed out on a promotion, and your kids would not listen to you.

The person you are grows and changes and falls under different influences each and every week. You bring this “new you” to every single new worship service. So as you are thinking through and participating in Sunday worship, be aware of what God is showing you about your particular, present life situation. Don’t settle for general feelings and vague applications. Pray that God would show you specifically what He is teaching you in each week’s worship service.

A good practice is to reflect on where you are at in your life and where God is growing you both before and after corporate worship.

For me personally, I like asking myself “why did God want me to hear this sermon this Sunday? What is going on in my life currently that He wanted me to hear that text?” after hearing my Church’s morning sermon. These questions help focus my mind on specifics in my life that God might be using the Church to address. An added benefit is I focus on the uniqueness of each Sunday’s worship rather than just listening to a sermon, checking the box, and moving on with my week.

The people you worship with change week-to-week

But corporate worship is not merely about you and your personal worship of Christ. It is more than that. Corporate worship is about the body of Christ coming together. And once you have this perspective, you realize the people you worship with change week-to-week. That might literally mean the specific people who attend your Church change. Perhaps a long-time faithful family leaves, creating a void. Or maybe a visitor comes who is eager to get connected.

But even if you don’t lose or gain any people in your congregation, I guarantee each and every member of your congregation has had a different week than the previous one. Just like you as an individual come to worship different each week based on your life circumstances, so too does all your fellow Church members. Having this knowledge adds an element of newness every single Sunday.

When you interact with Church members on a Sunday, approach your interactions with the same interest and excitement as if you are meeting a completely new person.

Every single individual in your Church is a “different person” than the one you worshiped with last week. Some have grown more Christlike. Others perhaps have been battling besetting sin every day this week. Don’t let a Sunday service pass by without getting to know fellow Church members anew. If you come to Church thinking no one has changed or grown, you will naturally assume talking with them will be boring or “same-old, same-old.” Remind yourself that every interaction with Church members around you has the potential for mutual encouragement and spiritual growth.

Conclusion: treat each Sunday service as unique

You cannot reconstruct a specific Sunday’s worship service. The songs and sermon are different. You as an individual are different. And each fellow Church member is different. So savor every time you get to worship with brothers and sisters in Christ. The day God has given you to worship Him together is entirely unique and you will not be able to replicate it once it is past.

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalm 118:24 ESV

Remind yourself how special each Sunday service is. Remind yourself God, who rules all things, has ordained the day and all that goes one in it. Then, when you are tempted to see corporate worship as a chore or a box to check, you can remind yourself that God is the one who made the day. Notice this. And then rejoice and be glad each Sunday together with your fellow Church members.

Click here to read other reflections I have written. Be sure to follow The Average Churchman on Instagram or subscribe below so you don’t miss out on any future posts.

Your Faith Needs Encouragement (Part 3)

Your Faith Needs Encouragement (Part 3)

In my last post in this mini series on Romans 1:11-12, I showed from the New Testament how your personal faith can be an encouragement to other believers. Now that you understand the truths in Romans 1:11-12, I want to give you five implications the passage has for your life.

For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you—that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.

Romans 1:11-12, ESV

Implication 1: Your faith isn’t a static thing. It needs to grow and be encouraged

Think of Abraham. You see that he had faith in God’s promises. Yet this faith grew throughout Genesis until you see Abraham willing to even sacrifice his own son Isaac. Your trust in the Lord can grow and develop and find new expressions of obedience. And other Christians might have what you need to grow in your faith.

Your individual experience is not the whole of the Christian life. It isn’t even normative. You need the perspective of others to see where your faith is lacking or weak. It can be so easy to write people off in the Church. You can look at someone and say “well, they don’t know as much as I do” or “I don’t think they are obeying the Lord in this or that way” or simply “I don’t connect with them. I don’t care for them.”

But remember: Paul undoubtedly knew more truth than the Church in Rome. Yet Paul was aching to meet with the Church because he was not above being encouraged by those believers.

Anyone who loves the Lord has the potential to encourage you by their faith. Anytime you are going to meet with another believer, your soul should brim with anticipation.

Why? Any believer you meet with according to Scripture has the Holy Spirit dwelling in their heart, who has had their eyes open to see truth about the Lord, and who knows God. The living God. The creator of the universe! And God could use that interaction to grow or encourage your faith. To COMFORT you in a tough time you are going through.

You never know what is going to happen when you talk or meet with a brother or sister in Christ. That leads me to the next implication.

Implication 2: You need the local Church

Certainly, you can get encouragement from any believer. And you should!. Every Time you have a chance to talk with a fellow Christian, there is the potential for that conversation to help strengthen your faith. But where primarily are you going to interact with fellow believers? The Church. The local Church. Families who are not related by blood, but who have covenanted together to worship together, serve together, and live their lives together.

In my Church’s membership covenant, there is a line that says “I will bring to (the Church) such faith and comfort as I have means to render.” I love that line. Your membership is about glorifying God and blessing others. So bring your faith! Your faith encourages and comforts others in the body.

To put it another way, when you gather with the body, is this your goal? What are you aiming for in your interactions? Are you coming with a self-focused perspective? Romans 1:11-12 gives you a good goal and aim for when we gather together as a body: mutual encouragement from each other’s faith!

Do you have an intense desire to be around other believers? In Romans 1:11-12, Paul didn’t say “you know, if I get around to it, it would be nice if I got to see you Roman Christians.” Paul had an intense longing to visit this Church. A Church he had never met. Do you have that same sort of longing to be with believers? More particularly, do you long to be with Christians you have committed to in your local body?

If Paul had an intense longing to be among believers in Rome who he had not met, how much more should you long to be around believers who you know and see week after week?

So those are the first two implications: Your faith needs encouragement, and You need the local Church

Implication 3: Talk about your faith with other believers

One of my favorite passages is in Deuteronomy 6:

These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

emphasis added

If you want to encourage others with your faith, the first step is to talk about your faith. If you never share what is going on spiritually in your life or if you never ask another believer what God is doing spiritually in their lives, how are you going to mutually encourage each other?

Certainly seeing faith in action is an encouragement, but I would argue most of the time it is hearing about what God is doing in other believers lives that encourages you. How do you start those conversations? One time at a conference, I heard two really good questions to ask fellow believers:

One time at a conference I heard two really good questions to ask fellow believers:

  • How has the Lord been growing you in your knowledge of Him lately?
  • How has the Lord been growing you in living out your faith lately?

Ask questions like these when you are around other believers. Answer these questions when you are around other believers. Talking about your faith is the surest way to go from a normal conversation to a mutually encouraging one.

I’ll go a step further: Even if you don’t get asked spiritual questions, still answer them. Talk about the Lord! Sin and pride keeps us from always boasting in Christ and in God. But the more you talk about something, the easier it will become to talk about it.

Make it a habit when you are together with fellow believers to ask about their faith & their walk with the Lord

And the reality is: if you are individually pursuing the Lord and developing a relationship with Christ then it should not take much effort to start talking about Him with other believers.

Implication 4: Don’t think your faith is above encouragement from others

Christ’s address to the Church in Laodicea is one of the most sobering sections of Scripture in my opinion. And to me one of the scariest lines of all is simply this:

“Because you say I am rich; i have become wealthy and need nothing,” and you don’t know that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked

Revelation 3:17, ESV

It can become very easy as Christian at a spiritual level to think this about your faith. Self-satisfaction is a constant danger for the believer, particularly when it comes to faith. If your life is going fine, if you are “in a groove” spiritually so to speak, you can easily slip into the thinking “I don’t need to grow in my faith! It would be nice but I’m pretty much set right now.”

As soon as you slip into that mindset, you stop looking for encouragement from other believers. You stop asking other believers questions, you stop noticing the ways their faith is being lived out. Why? Because of spiritual pride.

As soon as you fall into the mindset of “I don’t need other believers,” you think that you are stronger than Scripture says you are. “You who stand take heed lest you fall.”

Spiritual pride says “I got this! My faith doesn’t need encouragement from others! In fact other believers should be coming to me for advice!” Let Romans 1:11-12 warn you against that mindset.

You would agree that Paul’s faith was undoubtedly strong, he was undoubtedly serving the Lord and loving Christ. Yet Paul was not above encouragement from other believers. Why? Because Paul was humble. Paul said to the Corinthians “What do you have that you did not receive? If then you received it, why do you boast as if you did not receive it?

The Christian is humble because there is no room for pride in the gospel.

Don’t be deceived. You need the body of Christ more than you think. Even if it is true that you are in a good place spiritually, there is still more to know and to grow. You serve an infinitely glorious God. There should never be a time when we have had enough of Him or enough of Christ. humble yourself and admit that you need other believers.

Implication 5: Even small things build up the Church

“Do not despise the day of small things.” It is so easy as a Christian in America to only focus on the big things: Numbers. Success. Impact.  You and I live in a culture where bigger is better and if you aren’t noticed you are told you are not important. I read this quote in a secular book a few months ago: “You are either great or you don’t exist.”

That is the wisdom of the world. You are either great or you don’t exist. What a sad, misinformed perspective. God is great and You exist because God is great to show God is great, to enjoy His greatness. But this mindset of “I have to be or do something great to make my life valuable” is everywhere.

How does this mindset manifest in the Church? Personally, I find in my own life I always have to be doing something. Maybe you feel like you need to serve in such and such ministry. Maybe you want to teach or be the “wise Christian” people come to for advice.

What Romans 1:11-12 encourages you to see is that even little conversations can have bigger impact than you think. “Don’t despise the day of small things.” You might not have a massive ministry, but you can encourage someone else in the faith. By encouraging a fellow believer you can bless them and the Church.

Other believers need to hear what the Lord is teaching you. You might think “I am not the smartest in the room, I don’t have the strongest faith, I don’t know the most Scripture.” Let Romans 1:11-12 encourage you: you do have something to bring to the table! You do have a role to play in the life of the Church.

Speak and share your faith. It doesn’t have to be eloquent but your faith, your walk with the Lord can be a blessing to others. You might not be able to teach a Sunday School, but you can share something God has been teaching you. You may not get called on to lead a ministry, but you can tell someone about an area God has allowed you to be obedient in. You might not be the one everyone goes to for life advice and wisdom, but you can share lessons God has taught you from your own war against sin.

God has given you everything you need to bless the Church, to help other believers: your faith. Your love for Christ. Your personal commitment to follow Him as laid out in Scripture. Your voice as you sing praises to God on a Sunday morning.

You are well equipped to bless your local Church and any other believer you come in contact with. Why? Because of Christ, because of the gift of faith God has granted you.


I have listened to sermons and read great books but the most impactful thing in my life has always been consistent spiritual conversation with other people who love the Lord and who know the Lord. Paul could not wait to get to Rome so that his faith could be encouraged and so that he give encouragement to the Roman Church with his faith.

Next time you are talking with a believer, ask yourself and ask the Lord “How is this interaction mutually encouraging our faith?” God uses ordinary conversations about Christ to produce fruit in our lives.

Click here if you missed any previous posts in this mini series. Check out my other teachings here. Be sure to follow The Average Churchman on Instagram so you don’t miss any future posts.

Your Faith Needs Encouragement (Part 2)

Your Faith Needs Encouragement (Part 2)

In the last post in this mini-series on Romans 1:11-12, I showed you what “encouragement” meant and what believers are encouraged by in the New Testament. The question to answer now is how can another believer’s faith be encouraging? Paul actually calls the encouragement of faith a spiritual gift in Romans 1:11-12.

For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you—that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.

Romans 1:11-12, ESV emphasis added

Paul connects encouragement to faith. How does someone’s faith encourage or comfort you? How can your faith encourage or comfort someone else? In this post, I will give two ways and then describe the commonalities between Paul and the Roman Church that make this mutual encouragement possible.

Strong faith sets an example

Throughout the Bible, God gives us examples of strong faith. God doesn’t just say “have faith”. He also gives us practical pictures of what faith looks like. A great example of this is found in Luke 7 where Jesus marvels at the faith of the Roman Centurion.

You remember the story. A centurion’s slave was sick, and the centurion requested that Jesus heal him. In humility and faith, the centurion tells Jesus “There is no need to actually enter my house. You have authority simply to say the word and my slave will be healed!” How did Jesus react? The text says Jesus was amazed at the Centurion’s faith and said to the crowd “I have not found faith so great even in Israel.”

Jesus holds up the Centurion’s an example of strong faith to the crowd around Him. The Centurion was humble, came to Jesus in that humility, and had confidence in Jesus’ power and authority to heal. This is one way faith is an encouragement. When you demonstrate a strong faith in Jesus, other people are encouraged to imitate that faith.

Your faith can comfort other believers by setting an example of humble trust in Jesus and God’s word.

“Faith in God” can become an abstract thing in our minds, something very “heady” or intellectual. But thankfully in the local Church body, God gives us living and breathing examples of what faith looks like. A brother at my local Church mentioned a few weeks back “sometimes you don’t know how to live out a command of Scripture until you see another believer living it out.”

Faith is an encouragement because it sets an example to those around it. That is one reason Paul is anxious to come to Rome. His faith is going to set an example to the Roman Church, and the Roman Church’s faith is going to display what faith in Christ looks like to Paul.

Seeing faith in action increases our endurance

Faith doesn’t just set an example of the type of faith you should have. When you see someone’s faith in action, that encourages your faith to become more steadfast. This is exactly what happens in the 10th and 11th chapter of Hebrews. Hebrews 10 gives the problem with the Christians the letter was written to: they have faith, but they need endurance.

The author of Hebrews gives these Christian’s the encouragement to continue in the faith, to not draw back. How does the author of Hebrews then encourage enduring faith? In chapter 11, Hebrews gives a long list of what faith looks like in action.

Hebrews 11 goes through tons of Old Testament believers who had faith in God’s promises and lived in accordance with those promises. These examples didn’t just have faith, they acted on that faith. And did this in the midst of suffering and trial!

Then after going through this “cloud of witnesses,” the author of Hebrews turns again to the Church and says “therefore, you also run this race with endurance!”

When you see other Christian’s exercising faith, it encourages your faith to endure.

How? You see that you are not alone. That God was faithful to believers in the past and will therefore you can trust that He will hold you fast in the present. Hearing about someone’s faith in action encourages your faith to endure. And you know this is true in your own experience.

How many times have you read about some great missionary or Christian figure and felt your own heart hunger to live out your faith? When you see other people’s faith it gives you an example to follow and it also makes your own faith stronger.

That is how Paul can his faith and the Roman Christian’s faith can mutually encourage each other. Paul can say this because faith sets an example and also strengthens the other person’s resolve.

The foundation of mutual encouragement

But there is a final question to ask: what do Paul and the Church in Rome have in common? This might be one of the more important questions you could ask Romans 1:11-12. The apostle Paul is going to Rome and is excited to have his faith encouraged. But how could this happen? What common ground does Paul and the Roman Church have?

Apparent differences between Roman Church and Paul

If you take a superficial look at Paul and the Roman Church, they do not have a lot in common. If you focus just on externals, Paul and the Roman Church are pretty different.

  • Paul is from a completely different part of the world.
  • Paul lived and grew up in a completely different context than these Roman believers.
  • Paul an apostle specifically called by God.
  • Paul studied the Old Testament with Gamaliel, Roman Church was likely not near “his level”
  • Paul was traveling around planting Churches, Roman Church likely had a more ordinary local ministry

If you step back and look at the superficial differences, it should make you think “how could Paul and the Roman Church have anything in common? How could there be mutual encouragement when they had completely different backgrounds, lived in different parts of the world, had different levels of intelligence and Biblical knowledge?”

But if you leave the superficial, external differences, you can see just how similar Paul and the Roman Church were at a spiritual level.

Commonalities between Paul and Roman Church

Despite these superficial differences, Paul and the Roman Church on a spiritual level have many things in common. In fact, the whole of the letter to the Romans demonstrates the rich spiritual commonalities Paul and the Church in Rome have.

Same problem: Sinners under God’s wrath

Paul and the Roman Christians had the same fundamental problem: the wrath of God on their sins. Paul persecuted the Church. We might not know the specifics of what sins the Roman Church members were guilty of before believing in Christ but we do know “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”

Paul and the Church in Rome had the same problem, the same problem you and I face: every human has not given God the glory due to Him. Rather than glorifying God, acknowledging Him, worshiping Him, thanking Him, every human has exchanged God’s glory. Given it up. Instead we build idols of self or out of material things.

Neither Paul nor the Romans before they were saved looked for God. No one seeks after God, no one does good, not even one. Paul thought he was doing good when he persecuted the Church, but no, it was rebellion.

The law could not help either of Paul nor the Roman Church either. For “by the works of the law no human being will be justified in God’s sight, because through the law comes the knowledge of sin.” Paul and the Roman Church had the same problem when they were unbelievers: their sin and rebellion. It manifested itself differently, but deserved the same punishment: the wrath of God.

Same need: Christ’s righteousness

And so, because Paul and the Roman Church had the same fundamental problem, they had the exact same need:

But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it—the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe.

Romans 3:21-22a, ESV

That is what Paul and the Romans both needed. The law was a dead end, they could never keep it but God has made another way. “For what the Law could not do because it was weak because of the flesh Christ did.”

Jesus. He is the end of the law for all who believe. Jesus’ death and resurrection are the only way God can be just and justify sinful humans. Paul and the Church had only one question they needed to answer, the question every human being has to answer: “How can God still be perfectly righteous, perfectly just and yet forgive me?”

Through Jesus. God’s righteousness has been manifested, displayed, shown apart from the Law. How did God do it? God put Jesus forward as a propitiation. Jesus paid the punishment for those who would believe in Him. When Jesus was on the cross he cried “My God my God why have you forsaken me?” It wasn’t for His own sins that Jesus suffered.

It was because “God laid upon Him the iniquity of us all!” “it pleased God to crush” Jesus. Why? So that by His wounds, we can be healed. That payment, that righteousness is given to all who have faith in Jesus and His sacrifice. It is what Paul and the Roman Church both needed.

They were different in so many ways, but Paul and the Roman Church were now united. They were united in that they had both received mercy! Magnificent mercy! Costly mercy!

Paul and the Church had the same background and the same need. And everyone in the world also has the same background and need.

Have you received God’s mercy in Christ? Have you believed upon Jesus and this gospel?

The world tells you that you have a lot of problems and gives you a lot of solutions but the Bible is the only place you can find the truth about yourself. The truth about your real problem. And God offers to you His very son as the solution.

If have not repented, turned from your rebellion against God, and turned to Jesus by believing in His death on the Cross, there is only one implication for you: believe. Do not delay. There can be no encouragement for a faith that doesn’t exist. You must have faith before your faith gives and receives encouragement.


Paul and Roman Christians were united in all the important ways. They had the same needs, same present reality, same future. Therefore the encouragement really can be mutual. Even though Paul and the Roman Church had different backgrounds, they could speak into each other’s lives because their lives were the same in all the important ways, in all the essential ways.

Christians need other Christians so that their faith can be encouraged and can endure.

Fellow believers are one of the main sources of comfort God gives. Your faith can both set an example for someone else and also encourage a fellow believer to endure. The reason any believer can encourage you is that you are UNITED to any other person who believes in Jesus.

In the final post in this mini-series, I will lay out 5 practical implications of these truths from Romans 1:11-12.

If you missed Part 1 of this mini-series, find it here. You can also listen to me preach this text here.

Your Faith Needs Encouragement (Part 1)

Your Faith Needs Encouragement (Part 1)

You need other believers. Your faith needs the encouragement only other Christians can provide. And Romans 1:11-12 are some of the most encouraging verses to think about the importance of the Local Church.

A lot of times when you want to emphasize the importance of the local Church, you go to 1 Corinthians 12 with the body analogy or Hebrews which constantly emphasizes the need to gather together. But I think these couple verses in Romans where the Apostle Paul shares his heart for this Church in Rome, a Church he has never even met before, really instructs you and I about what our expectations should be for the local Church

For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you—that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.

Romans 1:11-12, ESV

What are your expectations when you come to Church? When you gather together on a Sunday, what are you coming for? What are you hoping to get out of it? Why do you attend a midweek small group? Is there a reason to prioritize taking time out in the middle of your week to partake in a men or women’s bible study?

Even more broadly, what should excite you about having conversations with fellow church members or other believers in general?

These are important questions.

A lot of people’s expectations for the local Church are not biblical. They might want to be entertained. To simply hear things they already agree with, they might never want to have their behavior and beliefs challenged by the Word.

Romans 1:11-12 is helpful for answering these questions. In this 3 part mini-series, I will start by defining some key terms in the passage, then answer some questions that come to mind, and finally give some biblical implications from the point Paul gives in these verses.

Defining key terms

“Long to see you”

This word means “to earnestly desire, to passionately long for.” In 2 Corinthians 5:2 Paul uses it to describe his desire to be with the Lord. Philippians, 1 Thessalonians and 2 Timothy all contain this word referencing Paul’s desire to be with Churches he has planted and to be with Timothy.

Interestingly, the word is also used in 1 Peter 2:2 to communicated believers should long after word. The text uses a metaphor: a baby with milk. A baby’s longing for milk isn’t a casual thing. The baby isn’t saying “I kinda would like some milk, if it isn’t too much trouble.” No, the baby strongly desires it.

So the word Paul uses in Romans 1:11 doesn’t just indicate desire for something. It also indicates the intensity of that desire. Paul’s longing to see & encourage the Roman Church is intense, like a baby longing for milk.

“Spiritual gift”

This word is “Charisma” meaning “a divine grace, a divine gift”. It points to origin of gift, namely God. Don’t immediately think of “gifts of the Spirit” when you see this word. The New Testament uses “Charisma” to describe a variety of gifts that are from God.

  • Rom 5:16-17-the divine gift is justification in Christ
  • Rom 12:6- “spiritual gifts” i.e. gifts of spirit for edification of Church
  • 1 Tim 4:14, 2 Tim 1:6-gift of eldership/teaching

So by using the term “charisma,” Paul is highlighting where he got the gift from. In Romans 1:11-12, Paul is emphasizing faith is a divine gift from God. God is the one giving these gifts freely. The gift is not earned. Paul is saying “I have received this gift of faith from God, and I want to share it with the Church in Rome!”

This gift Paul wants to share with the Church is a divine gift, something Paul has received freely from God, namely faith.

“To strengthen you”

This word gets to the reason why Paul wants to share his faith with the Roman Church. The word means “to set fast”, “to turn in a certain direction” or figuratively “to confirm, fix.”

In the epistles it always is used figuratively: “establish and exhort you in the faith”, “so that he may establish your hearts in blamelessness and Holiness”, “establish your hearts for the coming of the Lord is at hand.”

In the Septuagint, this word “to strengthen you” is used in Exodus 17:12 where Israel is fighting a battle and Aaron has to hold Moses hands up. Aaron has to steady Moses, establish Moses, fix Moses’ hands.

Now, what is Paul strengthening or establishing for these Roman Christians? I think it is the gospel, if you keep reading Romans. The Roman Christians already believe in the Gospel. But Paul still preaches the Gospel, expounds the Gospel, argues for the Gospel because the Roman Church needs to be reminded.

Why? It is through reminding them of the gospel that Paul intends to establish them. Paul wants to remind them of the Gospel so the Church is more certain, more fixed, more established on that truth. And that goes along with what follows: Paul clarifies what he means when he says “strengthen”. It means being mutually encouraged by “each other’s faith, both yours and mine.”

“Mutually Encouraged”

This word is only used once in Bible and it is a combination of two words: one that can mean “comfort or encourage,” the other meaning “with”. So, this compound word really is well translated “mutual encouragement.” It is joint comfort, both groups are getting comfort and encouragement.

Paul isn’t just wanting to give encouragement. He also expects to receive encouragement.

So, in summary so far: Paul intensely longs to visit the Church in Rome so that both he and the Church will be encouraged by each other’s faith. This faith is a gift from the Lord, and the encouragement they receive from each other will help anchor their faith in Jesus, making it more steadfast and enduring. 

Christians need other Christians so that their faith can be encouraged and can endure.

That is you see just by looking at the words in these verses. Now, to better understand the truths in these verses, there are 3 areas of further study: what encouragement is in the New Testament, how your faith can encourage another believer, and what Paul’s faith and the Roman Christians’ faith have in common.

Encouragement in the New Testament

Why is encouragement and comfort important for believers? Paul’s letters are full of encouragement for local Churches. Why is this so important?

A quick look at the New Testament reveals that Paul and the other authors were concerned with encouraging the Church. The biblical concept of a God who comforts His people was not common in the ancient world. Pagan dieties would never comfort a suffering person. After all, why would a lowly human expect a god to care about his or her personal suffering?

The Bible reveals a completely different picture. The New Testament explicitly gives a number of sources of encouragement for the Christian.

The truth encourages the Church

For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us so that whether we are awake or asleep we might live with him. Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.

1 Thessalonians 5:9-11, ESV

In the context here, Paul is talking about the hope of being with the Lord forever. Then Paul says “therefore, in light of this hope, encourage one another! Build one another up!” In other words, the application, the practical response to the truth of Christ’s return is it should encourage the Church.

Paul was not communicating spiritual truth to the Church merely for their intellectual benefit, or there general awareness. The truths of Scripture should comfort and encourage the Church.

Christ encourages the Church

So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.

Philippians 2:1-2, ESV

The “if” clauses here are hypothetical. Paul is implying the answer. Think of this verse as saying “since there is encouragement in Christ.” Paul sees Christ as a source of encouragement. And this encouragement Christ provides is Paul’s basis for commanding the Philippians to have unity. Christ comforts His Church and is the foundation of the Church’s unity.

God encourages the Church (and the Church imitates God)

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

2 Corinthians 1:3-4, ESV

The source of comfort and encouragement is God. God is the one who comforts us, and part of the reason He comforts us is so we can then comfort others. God comforts those in the body so they can comfort others in the body.

Christians encourage other Christians

This comes full circle to Romans 1:11-12. Believers offer encouragement and comfort to other believers. This is actually one of the main reasons the Bible gives for believers gather together.

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

Hebrews 10:24-25, ESV

One of the reasons to gather together as a body is so Christians can encourage each other.

So in summary: encouraging the Roman Church was important to Paul because the source of Christians comfort matters. Paul wanted to encourage those believers who were a minority in their culture, who were facing persecution. Being a Christian in the ancient world meant sacrifice and suffering, sadness and loss.

But the New Testament is full of teaching about a God who comforts His people, especially through suffering. And God comforts His people through means. One of the main means is other Christians. God doesn’t give you superficial comforts like the world gives.

Paul knew this. Paul didn’t want to come to Rome to correct everyone or confront everyone there. He says here he wants to encourage the Church in their faith. And as I said before, Paul expects this encouragement to be mutual. Paul expects to get comfort and encouragement from the Roman Christians’ faith.

Other Christians are a God-ordained source of consolation in times of suffering.

Never let your suffering pull you away from other believers. If you do, you are cutting yourself off from one of God’s main means of comfort.

What is interesting in this text, however, is Paul says the source of the encouragement is faith. Paul’s faith is going to encourage the Church in Rome and their faith is going to encourage Paul. This leads us to the next question: how can your faith be an encouragement to someone else? I will explain in part 2 of this post.

Read Part 2 of this mini series here. You can find my other ongoing series in the “Teachings” page. If you want to listen to the sermon I preached on Romans 1:11-12, you can find it here.